Get Involved

Spread the word about Color Vibe

Color Vibe is all about spreading Good Vibes, and we'd love your help! Tell your friends that this is an incredible experience they can't miss, and it's a great way to be active, have fun, and make memories that you'll never forget! Life goes by fast, so don't miss this opportunity to celebrate every moment! for any of your doubters out there, make sure they know that the "race" is not so much about running, but about having tons of fun, being active, and making memories - And this 5K and after party are an absolute BLAST!

Got Friends?

  • Tell your friends to get off their phones and come party with you!
  • Share, text, tweet, snap, or tackle them!
  • Tell them to get their tickets at!
  • FEEL THE AWESOME VIBES and make some unforgettable memories at The Color Vibe!

Get your company, organization, or group involved.

What is the best way to build unity with your team members? Come celebrate life and have an awesome Color Vibe experience! We have an incredible Worksite Wellness Program that will help your team get into shape before the big color event.

Here are a few things your group will experience at the Color Vibe!

  • Thousands of new colorful friends
  • Epic color throws, transforming the sky and yourself into a colorful rainbow
  • Awesome music
  • Making memories that will last a lifetime
  • Celebrating life, love, happiness
  • Feel awesome positive vibes
  • Bring awareness to your cause, group, or business
  • Super fun team building experience

There are many ways that your group can be involved, contact us and we can talk you through it. From corporate parties to vendor booths, business teams, and club runs, we can work it out.

More information

Click here to find out more about our Color Vibe Worksite Wellness program.
If you're connected to the press, would like to be a vendor, or become a sponsor at the Color Vibe, or would like to say "Hello!",

contact us at